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How to change organizational culture?

The organizational culture is crucial for the evolution of any company. If it is well-defined and showcased, it can optimize the performances of all the employees, as well as attract new suitable candidates. This makes it important to figure out how to change the organizational culture of a company and how it can evolve and/or how to redefine it.

Why is there a need to transform the organizational culture of a company ?

The organizational culture of a company has become a real competitive advantage for a number of companies. For candidates, it’s a key factor when looking at new companies in which they may wish to progress. It is also a key factor in employee fulfillment.

Nonetheless, it is sometimes difficult to determine the organizational culture of a company. It is even more complicated to redefine it when it is no longer aligned with the values you wish to convey or with the company goals. And yet, it is the keystone to creating a more productive and stimulating environment for your collaborators as a whole.

Changing your company’s organizational culture in three steps :

Corporateculture varies from one organization to the next. This means it is fundamental to properly define it, and have it resonate with every company collaborator.

1. Take the time to pinpoint the values your culture wishes to express

Corporate culture is characterized by all the common values, traditions, methods of expression, work methods and know-how, that make an organization unique. To transform and grow the culture, it requires precisely identifying what you believe needs changing :

  • Identify key values, those that are immutable and that have worked in helping your company’s outreach till today.

  • Identify the values and new behaviour required for your company’s long term goals. What is missing at the company today to help it evolve and become more competitive and attractive.

The better defined these values will be, the faster it will be to change your company’s organizational culture. By taking the time, from the get-go, to properly explain your goals, you can speed up the process of change. This is a critical step to avoid ambiguity or confusion, especially when new recruits arrive at your company.

2. Assert and communicate corporate culture from the recruitment phase

A company’s organizational culture plays a determining role in the recruitment of new hires. It is essential for the company to make it apparent. It needs to carry from the job listing, to interviews, to interaction via email or telephone.

Candidates quickly form an impression of the company and know whether they’ve made the right choice. If they believe so, they will be better disposed to assimilate the culture and defend company values from their first day. They may wish to expound the values and maybe even become a company ambassador.

To alter the organizational culture, it is also vital to accompany your new employees as they internalize the company culture, which can also be done through coaching. In order to better integrate them into the company, it is important to take the time to explain carefully. In that way, you help deepen and broaden the impact of the cultural transformation. While defining organizational culture is crucial, it becomes irrelevant without proper internal communication.

3. Organizational culture is driven at every level of your company

It is vital for the corporate culture to be conveyed, respected and executed, whatever the position held, from its executives to its frontline professionals. It is useful to show all the collaborators that the cultural approach is much more than just empty words. This requires genuine engagement, particularly from decision-makers and leaders who act as role-models to their collaborators.


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